The Dietitian's Way

I am a Registered Dietitian with a professional education in nutrition, health and wellness.  I, however am also a mother, a daughter, a wife and a business owner.  I’m a real person just trying to live a healthy wholesome life, just like you!  My business and my blog are all about that.  Making healthy living apart of your lifestyle, making it easy, affordable and do-able.   The Dietitians Way is part education, part guidance, part real-life trial and error.  I hope you continue to join me on this journey, find my knowledge helpful and smile from time to time.  

An Apple A Day...

We have heard this phrase so many times “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” so it leads us to believe that apples are healthy for us and rightfully so, but why?  Do we know what makes an apple healthy?

A medium sized apple is around 75-95 calories.  It contains a good source of fiber, about 4 grams.  Apples are also rich in Vitamin C, a natural antioxidant along with B vitamin complex – B6, Riboflavin and Thiamin.   Important minerals, potassium, phosphorus and calcium, are also available.  On top of all that, apples contain a lot of phytonutrients, flavonoids, polyphenols and antioxidants.  These important components of the apple may help reduce the risk of developing cancer, hypertension, diabetes and heart disease.  When it comes to the health of the apple, the skin is so important.  Not only is most of the fiber found there but a load of phytonutrients too. the peel!  Don’t miss out on the best 'The Apple' has to offer!



September is the month to pick apples! It’s such a fun day that our family looks forward to every year.  Walking through the orchard climbing trees, reaching for the biggest one on top of Dad’s shoulders while enjoying a beautiful fall day.  We love filling our bags, buckets and wagons full of juicy red Wisconsin apples!  Like most families, we look forward to making the traditional apple pie and warming our house with the smell of homemade applesauce.   

After we make our favorite apple treat, we often have quite a bit of left over apples. What do you do with yours?  I compiled some of my favorite apple ideas and suggested a few new healthy recipes to try this fall season, Enjoy!




Healthy Whole Grain Apple Muffins: A healthy breakfast made with whole grains

Baked Cinnamon Apple Chips: Great for an after school snack or the kids’ lunches!

Crock Pot Apple Oatmeal: Make sure to use steel cut oatmeal for overnight cooking, its hot and ready for you when you wake up AND the house smells amazing!

Apple Cole Slaw: Don’t be afraid to use light mayo with this recipe.  My favorite is Hellmans Olive Oil Mayo

Apple Stuffed Pork TenderloinPork Tenderloin is the leanest piece of pork.

Apple Sandwich A great snack for the kids or even an addition to their lunch box.  Add raisins, granola, or walnuts to the center for some added flavor and crunch.

Sliced Apples also go great in wraps and sandwiches particularly with ham and Swiss, or even in the center of a grilled cheese!




Welcome to my Blog; THE DIETITIANS WAY.  Yes, I am a Registered Dietitian with a professional education in nutrition, health and wellness.  I however am also a mother, a daughter, a wife and a business owner.  I’m a real person just trying to live a healthy wholesome life, just like you!  My business and my blog are all about that.  Making healthy living apart of your lifestyle, making it easy, affordable and do-able.   The Dietitians Way is part education, part guidance, part real-life trial and error.  I hope you continue to join me on this journey, find my knowledge helpful and smile from time to time.  Thank you for your support!



Christine Spettel, RD, CD

Lifestyle Nutrition 
